A few days ago I decided to prepare own website. Because I’m not web developer I looking for something easy and ready to use for web layout.

On the other hand, I’m a developer so I like to write a few lines of code by myself.

After some searching I choosed those tools for build website:

  • GitHub Pages for hosting
  • Jekyll for site generating
  • Bootstrap CSS for build the layout

The required software

  • Ruby - I had problem with version 2 - so I installed 1.9
  • Jekyll
  • Python

There are plenty of sites which describe how to install them.


Of course before begin work with Jekyll you should read the documentation.

Next point is look into some projects which use Jekyll. Good and simple example is jekyll-bootstrap I took some ideas from this project.

You can also look into source code of my site, it is stored on github here.

Site layout

It was the most difficult task for me. I don’t know too many colors and so on … so I had some concerns about website design.

When I tried Bootstrap everything became much easier. Bootstrap has a lot of examples and good documentation - I can recommend this framework it is very cool.

So now you see how it works and look.

Here are some links that have helped me during the works:

Tags: jekyll github-pages bootstarp

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